All Remaining Fixtures

This set of fixtures cover all competitions and are the most up to date.  New competition fixtures will automatically be added to this list.

If you see any errors let us know!

Remaining Fixtures

DateGameTime/ResultsLeagueCourtMatch Day
2024-04-24 19:45:0024/04/2024 Maidstone Warriors v Iroquois Bears20 - 0Division 1 Play InWed
2024-04-24 20:20:3124/04/2024 Guru Nanak v Dartford Sharks 20:20:3120:20Division 1 Play-OffsWed
2024-04-25 20:00:0025/04/2024 Eltham Eagles v Bromley Fury Vets 20:00:0020:00Supplementary LeagueThu
2024-04-25 20:15:3525/04/2024 Sevenoaks Suns v Bromley Fury 20:15:3520:15Division 1 Play-OffsThu
2024-04-29 19:45:0029/04/2024 Maidstone Warriors II v Crows 19:45:0019:45Supplementary LeagueMon
2024-04-29 20:15:0029/04/2024 Bromley Fury II v Dartford Vets 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueMon
2024-04-30 20:15:2230/04/2024 Iroquois Bears v Wizards0 - 20Division 1 Play InTue
2024-05-01 20:20:0001/05/2024 Guru Nanak Lions v Maidstone Warriors 20:20:0020:20Division 1 Play InWed
2024-05-02 20:00:0002/05/2024 Eltham Eagles v Dartford Vets 20:00:0020:00Supplementary LeagueThu
2024-05-02 20:15:0002/05/2024 Crows v Bromley Fury Vets 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueThu
2024-05-08 20:15:0008/05/2024 Bromley Fury Vets v Bromley Fury II 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueWed
2024-05-09 20:15:0009/05/2024 Crows v Maidstone Warriors II 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueThu
2024-05-13 19:45:0013/05/2024 Maidstone Warriors II v Eltham Eagles 19:45:0019:45Supplementary LeagueMon
2024-05-13 20:15:0013/05/2024 Bromley Fury II v Crows 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueMon
2024-05-13 20:15:0013/05/2024 Dartford Vets v Bromley Fury Vets 20:15:0020:15Supplementary LeagueMon
2024-05-22 20:15:3022/05/2024 Bromley Fury v Dartford Sharks 20:15:3020:15Rosebowl A-