Medway Basketball is Back
After a long dormant period MBA basketball is getting underway again in a Summer Games competition.
This is a Basketball England sanctioned activity. Summer Sanction – BE Authorisation Letter
The main aim of the activity is to get players back on court playing basketball. All clubs, players and officials taking part must be registered with Basketball England for 2020/2021
All players and officials will be expected to carry out their personal COVID symptoms check on game day. Each team has been provided with a unique link to the MBA COVID-19 symptom checker allowing their players to create a ‘Pass to participate’ for each game. There is also a link for officials.
Venues will be expected to operate under MBA COVID Protocols for the duration of the competition. Further details and advice can be found on the Basketball England RTP Site
Courts will be available 15 minutes before the tip off time shown on the fixtures list Participants are advised to arrive 5-10 minutes before this to enable screening to take place and a full warm up.
Screening data should be provided to the home team using the Pre Game InformationSheet in time for these to be printed. Arrival data will be added to these sheets at the reception desk.
Stay safe and enjoy!
AGM 2021
The 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held on Monday 6th September 2021 via Zoom
New Teams
New teams are welcome to apply to join for the 2021/2022 season Initial enquiries to Applications will be required for approval at the AGM